viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

portafolio ingles 3.

En equipos de 3 (tres) personas, redacta un cuento utilizando la estructura “used to”, así como el vocabulario visto en éste bloque. El cuento debe estar estructurado con un mínimo de 200 palabras, siendo de gran importancia la trama del mísmo.

My first dog.
One day when I was in the school, my friends told me if I wanted to play with them, but I said that I was sad because all of them had pets in their house and I not, when I came to my house I saw a little puppy walking in the street, nobody was with him, and I approached to the dog because he was along and I think that he was hungry too. I always used to enter for the principal door of my house but that day I entered for the back door, my mom used to stay in the kitchen but, that day nobody was there and I take the dog to my room. Then my brother listened some noise in my room he asked me about this noise, and I answered, I was singing, thank goodness I used to sing intro my room all the time and my brother believe me, I was so scary because if somebody will know about my new dog like my mom, something will happen, so I hid the dog for 3 day in my room, I put name to my dog, it was firulais. I was so happy like I used to be but finally my mom discovered me and she talked to me about hid and how to have a dog, my parents saw me so happy for the dog, and they said me, that I could have a dog, and didn´t hid something to them.

En parejas, redacta un texto narrativo acerca de las experiencias que tuvieron lugar en alguna festividad de tu comunidad a la que hayas asistido, utilizando la estructura del pasado progresivo y el pasado simple, así como los pronombres relativos when and while, sin dejar de lado los marcadores narrativos. Deberá ser un festival o evento y narraran el papel que tanto hombres como mujeres desempeñan en el. La narración debe tener media cuartilla de extensión como mínimo.

Day of dead, is one of the Mexicans  tradition because we used to remember to us dead family, this consist that we used to go to the cemetery and gave some food to our family, but before we went to the cemetery we cooked food to all the family and in almost the families, all of them are together, I remember the last Day of dead I was go to the cemetery and gave some flowers to my aunt Maria, I remember that I was having a shower when my mom tell me about the my aunt was dead. It was so sad. But I think that she is ok in the sky anyway, I also remember that I was eating in Aunt Maria’s house and I heard a sound! , It was so scary, I forget it, we also make “Altares” this thinks is like a table of 7 steps and put some thinks of the dead
Like his favorite movies, songs, and with not , his clothes if he do some work , we also put his materials that with he works.

Redactar un diálogo sobre una situación comunicativa acorde con su entorno, utilizando expresiones formales para hacer solicitudes, además de integrar algunos verbos compuestos para estructurar un diálogo. Tomar como referencia una situación escolar o del hogar.

Marco: hello
Angel: hi how are you?
Marco: good and you?
Angel: well thanks
Marco: I could you do a favor
Marco: sure, what are you talking about?
Marco: could you pick my dog up ​​to the vet?
Angel: Sure, I can do it

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Portafolio de Evidencias. Bloque 1

1. Imagina que te ganaste un viaje alrededor del mundo y ahora tienes que planear que lugares visitaras. escribe al menos 10 oraciones en donde utilices el primer condicional en donde menciones los lugares que elegiste visitar, ejemplo ( if i travel to france, i will visit the cathedral of notre dame in paris).

if I travel to mazatlan, will visit the island of stone.
if I travel to Paris, I will visit the tower eisffel.
if you travel to Culiacan, will visit the zoo.
if I travel cancun, will visit the beach.
 if I travel roma , I will visit the Coliseum.
if I travel to China, will visit the Great Wall of China.
if I travel to Los Angeles, will visit Disneyland.
if I travel to London, will visit the Cathedral of St. Paul.
if I travel to london, I will visit the mummies.
if I travel to St. Petersburg, will visit the Russian Museum.

2. Tu mejor amigo quiere obtener buenas calificaciones en todas las materias y te pide consejos para lograrlo, escribe al menos 5 oraciones con el primer condicional y el auxiliar para consejos, para que lo ayudes a mejorar sus calificaciones.

if you want good grades have to study.
if you want good grades do not miss school.
if you want a good average Maintain good discipline.
if you want good grades meets tasks.
if you want good grades in class.

3. Usando el condicional cero o condicional factual, escribe al menos 6 oraciones describiendo sucesos en donde el resultado es siempre el mismo. ejemplo if you eat too much, your stomash hurts.

if you stick your hand in the fire, you're going to burn
if you put the water at 100 º, boil.
if you put the water at 0 degrees, freezing.
if you cut your finger, you see blood.
If you take poison, you die.
if you break a bone, you'll have a cast.